Greater Entities - Pyrexia, Lord of Steaming Blood


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Greater Entities - Pyrexia, Lord of Steaming Blood

Pyrexia, as the name states, is fever – in the blood, in battle, inabject rage. The dull, fire-blackened iron of the Demon Lord’s body ismade up of the spilt, hellforged blood from every battlefield inexistence, ever since blood was there to be spilled and soaked into thecracked and ravaged ground.

Every act of bloody violence – from the rending of prey by the predator,to the first murder by the hominid ancestors of humanity, and even theconstant bloodshed and torture on the demonic planes – is an act ofveneration for Pyrexia, a blind sacrifice on one of his innumerablealtars.

One of the most powerful Demon Lords, if not the most powerful in terms ofraw might, Pyrexia has no agenda. In a display of demonic mockery forbalance, Pyrexia has not used his awesome power to conquer his demonicbrethren, seemingly lacking any motivation to do so. Some even sayPyrexia has no motivation whatsoever, being no more than a manifestationof the violence inherent in existence. Pyrexia pays them no mind – ifindeed there is a mind under the fiery crimson haze…

(Comes Unpainted and Unassembled***)

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NameGreater Entities - Pyrexia, Lord of Steaming Blood
VendorDark Place Miniatures
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