5 TTRPGS to play instead of D&D!

Tabletop Games February 02, 2023 - 04:00 PM 0 Comments Matt Farmer
5 TTRPGS to play instead of D&D!

D&D is a game that has experienced many versions over the years! Now in it's 5th Edition, the game has achieved a high level of popularity and returned to it's top spot as the world's most popular TTRPG (Tabletop Role-playing Games). In fact, it's high popularity has resulted in the game becoming almost synonymous with TTRPGs (Tabletop Role-playing Games) and has left some great games feeling a little overshadowed!

In recent weeks, a ton of controversy has arisen around the proposed changes to the OGL (open gaming licence) that allowed third party creators to product their own content based on the 5e game system. With this, a discussion has taken place regarding other awesome TTRPGs and which would be a good replacement for many gaming groups. Although we still love D&D, sometimes you need something fresh and exciting to recharge your batteries! We have compiled our own list of 5 awesome RPGs to try out after your current campaign comes to an end!

Pathfinder Pathfinder emerged as D&Ds biggest competitor back in the days of 4th Edition. Since D&D has entered it's 5th Edition, Pathfinder has built upon it's brand and released Pathfinder 2, the second iteration of this awesome fantasy game. The game owes a lot to D&D 3.5 and is considered a lot more mechanically involved than the relatively simple 5th edition. If you want something with a bit more crunch, but retaining the fantasy flavour, then Pathfinder is the choice for you!

Warhammer Roleplay Warhammer roleplay takes the iconic and fantastic lore of 40k and Age of Sigmar and repurposes it for Games Workshops own TTRPG system. A great bonus to using Warhammer Roleplay at your table is the ability to recycle all of the awesome miniatures that usually find their place in your wargame. If you are fan of both D&D and wargaming then this is a great option for you!

Shadowrun Shadowrun is a game that melds science-fiction and fantasy! Set in the future, the game is essentially Cyberpunk meets D&D! Elves, Dwarfs and Goblins all exist alongside cyborgs, energy weapons and high-stake heists. The game offers a great melding of combat and social aspects and would be a refreshing experience for most D&D veterans.

Starfinder Starfinder is the science-fiction cousin of Pathfinder! Whereas Shadowrun takes place on the ground, Starfinder takes the typical fantasy races into the depths of space for spaceship combat, high-action adventures and much more. Whereas Shadowrun could be described as being like Blade Runner, Starfinder is definitely made more in the mould of Star Wars!

Call of Cthulhu This list definitely wouldn't be complete without mentioning the unsettling Call of Cthulhu. Based on the horror mythos of H.P.Lovecraft, COC is often considered one of the best TTRPGs of all time! The average D&D player may have a tough time adjusting to the social and horror aspects of the game, where combat is usually the last option. Due to the tendency of character death's (or insanity), Call of Cthulhu is a great pick for shorter campaigns and one-shots!

We hope that you take inspiration from this post when selecting your next campaign. Whatever system you go with, remember that the purpose of TTRPG is to have fun with friends! Check out a selection of awesome RPG products in the related products section down below! Alternatively, you can check out our entire range of RPG products by clicking the button below!


Article Author Matt Farmer
About Matt Farmer
Matt is the News Editor at Total Cards, where he spends his time reporting on the biggest stories in the world of TCG's and beyond. He enjoys spending his spare time being a forever DM, he has a vast knowledge of all things Dungeons & Dragons, and has a keen eye for great board games!

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