Dystopian Wars - Constitution Battlefleet Set - Expansion


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Dystopian Wars - Constitution Battlefleet Set - Expansion

During the Ore War the Union was forced to evolve into a nation that heavily industrialised the manufacture of weapons and engines of war to produce them at an unmatched rate. As conflict was largely on land, the Union fleets remained significantly underpowered compared to their rivals. With a belief in manifest destiny, the Union began to look beyond their own borders. It was easy to imagine the greedy faces of the other power blocs and the Union's age old nemesis, The Crown, regarding this upstart American colony with avaricious eyes. To establish their rightful place, the Union focused on developing and constructing a fleet of ships to defend their shores and support their troops as they consolidated their positions around the globe.The Constitution Class Battleship is now the mainstay of the Union Fleet, the first twelve of these impressive vessels built in the closing years of the Ore War. Their main purpose was traversing the many wide rivers of the nation and rain fire on Confederate defences, or to assist in troop movement, their powerful paddlewheels are equally suited to the open seas. Now they, and many more like them, ensure that the Federated States can achieve their manifest destiny.Supporting the Constitution Class Battleships are squadrons of frontline cruisers built to withstand direct engagement with enemy fleets. The Yorktown, Intrepid, Reliant and Lexington Class Cruisers all boast powerful paddle wheels allowing them to remain agile under fire all the while raining shells upon their enemies. These ships are in turn supported by the ever vigilant Akron Observers. These rotors watch both the skies and the waves for sign of threats to their squadrons as well as acting as long range observers for the gun crews on board the ships.Farragut Frigates are also a common addition to any Union fleet. These small but manoeuvrable vessels are able to make fast raids against enemy squadrons or in even greater numbers, larger vessels such as Battleships.The Constitution Battlefleet Set kit builds nine multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    1x Constitution Class Battleship1x Constitution Class BattleshipEach Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Intrepid, Lexington or Reliant Class6x Merian Class Frigates4x Farragut Class Frigates2x Akron Observation Rotor

Please note:Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

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Dystopian Wars - Constitution Battlefleet Set - Expansion
Warcradle Studios
Frequently Asked Questions

What are miniatures used for in tabletop games?

Miniatures are small, detailed models used in tabletop games to represent characters, creatures, and scenery. They enhance the visual experience and aid in gameplay by providing a physical representation of game elements.

How do I paint my miniatures?

Painting miniatures involves several steps: priming the miniature with a base coat, applying base colors, adding details with fine brushes, and finishing with a protective sealant. Many hobbyists use acrylic paints and invest in quality brushes for the best results. You can pick some up from our Paints Section

What materials are miniatures typically made from?

Miniatures are commonly made from plastic, resin, or metal. Each material has its own advantages; plastic is lightweight and affordable, resin captures fine details well, and metal miniatures are durable and have a classic feel.

How can I start collecting miniatures?

Start by choosing a game or genre that interests you. Purchase a starter set or a few miniatures to begin with, and gradually expand your collection. Joining local gaming groups or online communities can provide valuable advice and support.

Where can I buy miniatures?

Miniatures can be purchased from Here. As well as from Hobby shops like our Gaming Centre, or at Conventions, or Games Workshop

What are some tips for assembling miniatures?

Use a hobby knife or clippers to carefully remove pieces from sprues. Dry fit parts before gluing to ensure proper alignment, and use a plastic or super glue appropriate for the material. Allow glued parts to fully dry before handling. All of these can be found Here

Can miniatures be used in different games?

While some miniatures are specific to certain games, many can be used across different tabletop games and RPGs, especially if they fit the theme or setting. Check the scale and style to ensure compatibility.

How should I store and transport my miniatures?

Store miniatures in a cool, dry place, ideally in a protective case with individual compartments to prevent damage. When transporting, use foam trays or padded bags to cushion the miniatures and keep them secure.

Are there any beginner-friendly miniature painting tutorials?

Yes, there are many beginner-friendly tutorials available online. Websites, YouTube channels, and hobby blogs often provide step-by-step guides and videos to help newcomers learn painting techniques and improve their skills.

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